Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Educational resources

Mary Immaculate College has gathered together some educational resources.
Access the link below and browse at your leisure.


RTÉ home school hub

Hi everyone,

Are you like me and watching the RTÉ home school hub each morning.
Did you notice electricity was one of the themes.  Remember we started electricity before we went off school and we made the circuit with the energy stick.


Follow the link above, it has lots of interesting of interesting information and games to do with electricity.

Have fun.

Monday, 30 March 2020

Have a go, do what you can.

5th class
Date: 30th March-3rd April.
Don’t be worrying, have fun, do what you can.
This is only a guide

Monday 30th March

Mental maths:Wk: 29, Mon
English in Practice: Day: 121
Reading Zone: Read Unit 24: Parts A-C, questions and answers.
Gaeilge Continue on with Duolingo, I'll reset it agin for the week. 
SESE: Volcanoes,
Research and write a short report.
Use www.dkfindout.com

Tuesday 31st 

Mental maths:Wk: 29, Tue
English in Practice: Day: 122
Reading Zone: Read Unit 24: Parts D-E, questions and answers.
Use the garage band app, have fun.

Wednesday 1st April 

Mental maths:Wk: 29, Wed

English in Practice: Day: 123
 SESE: Research information for your Genius Hour Project.

Thursday 2nd 

Mental maths:Wk: 29, Thurs
English in Practice: Day: 124
Use the twinkl link to see the resources for this
Religion: Read the first two mini stories. Retell it to a sibling or parent at home.

Friday 3rd 
Mental maths: Fri Test
 SESE: Science
Use www.kidrex.org or www.dkfindout.com to look up ‘Sound’. Find a diagram of the ear and find out the functions of the different parts. Draw a diagram in your copy.

Relax over Easter! Image result for easter clip artImage result for easter clip art

Thursday, 26 March 2020


Hi Everyone,

www.twinkl.co.uk are allowing free access to all their resources for a month.
It is brilliant for all teaching resources, worksheets, powerpoints.

If you get stuck on anything, search for it on twinkl and it will help.

I will also be redirecting you to twinkl for SESE, ART, RE and so on.

Follow the link below;


Lego challenge

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

School work layout

From next week I will plan out a timetable for each weeks work,

So far you have enough to keep you busy until the  Easter Holidays.

So keep an eye on the blog and i will upload your timetable and links to web pages to help you through.

Remember we have most of the back room work done regarding maths, you have all the essential skills to complete the rest of the busy at maths, but we will work through the rest of the chapters together.

Websites for school work support

Here is a few webistes you can check out for fun reading and educational games;



This website is great for maths games

another maths games website is;


David Walliams

David Walliams signs copies of his autobiography 'Camp David' at Selfridges, London. 12/10/2012 Picture by: Henry Harris

David Walliams


David Walliams is releasing an audio story every day for the next 30 days!
 Follow the link above to his site and relax and listen.

Need some new reading material?

Hi all,

Remember before we left school, we talked about being able to download books to out tablets, phones, etc through Borrowbox?

Well, Cavan library are now allowing you to access these ebooks through their website, as now all the libraries are closed.

Here is the link below:


Keep up the good reading and remember to do your quizzes.

Monday, 23 March 2020

Accelerated reader

Remember to keep up with your reading.
You can access your reading quizzes through the school website.

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

March 18th

Hi Everyone,

I have reset Duolingo and it is ready to go.

I am putting together a number of educational webistes and so on, so keep an eye on the blog.

If this does go on past the 2 weeks, I will keep setting work from your books and referring you to websites and tutorials to help you through them.

Easter egg design competition winner