Saturday, 12 October 2019

Accelerated Reader

The countdown is now on to reach your Accelerated reading target on the 25th October.  Everyone is reading really well.  Well done.


Duolingo is now up and running for the class.  New lessons are set every week.  Everyone should now be able to access their Duolingo Schools account from home.
Our next Genius Hour project will focus on the work we have been doing in SCRATCH.

Scratch is a block-based visual programming language aimed at primary school children which introduces them to the world of coding. 

Image result for what is SCRATCH

Every child has their own log in details for their SCRATCH classroom.  They can access SCRATCH at home and work on their project.

Genius Hour

Genius Hour presentations

We have have been presented with some very interesting Genius Hour presentations over the last few weeks.

Gymnastics snapshot

Football achievement

Well done!

Easter egg design competition winner